My, my how things have changed! I remember back in the day when Spring Break was so exciting, so coveted, soooo longed for!! It was a time of care free play and enjoying the changing weather - knowing summer was just around the corner. Now, *sigh* it's a time of entertaining my boys to ensure they aren't "bored," cleaning the house, trying to sell the house, feeding everyone 3 times a day, and just doing everything I do! There's no real "BREAK" for a mommy - not even of the Spring variety. I did take advantage of Nana for a day and a half - she kept the kids while a worked on the house... hmmm... still not really a break, is it? Oh well... However, before I dove into the house and all that encompasses that, the kids and I enjoyed a great day outside! We had a storm coming, so I made sure we enjoyed outside as long as possible before it was no longer an option. We had so much fun doing sidewalk chalk - it was unbelievable! Connor really got into it as well! And Caleb - WELL! - he was writing his name, drawing rain clouds, and drawing our family members. I really am proud to see how wonderfully he's coming along with his name and drawings - especially since he does NOT like sitting and coloring/writing much!

Brothers playing together!
<---Caleb showing off his drawing of "Mommy & Caleb" Connor just enjoying being outside----->

<-----Here's our finished art project!And here's Connor's cute chalk-covered hiney!---->
And now here we are - Easter afternoon... after church, Easter Goodies, lunch with family at my house, and all of my boys taking their naps... I'm telling the world wide web about my life! Hope this Easter finds everyone blessed and full of new life!