Saturday, May 17, 2008


Did I Mention I Was Behind?

Uh - yeah, I think I did... and that was 16 days ago... AND I HAVEN'T BEEN BACK ON HERE SINCE! One would think that my NOT being on here regurgitating my life story and giving play-by-play accounts of sand table play (and sand-eating) would allow for me to do some serious "catching up" and getting things "in order." I got 2 words for ya. Yeah. Right.

But that's ok - we're truckin' along, making the most out of every day God blesses us with. No, I STILL don't have our house fliers done. No, I STILL don't have the For Sale By Owner sign in the yard. No, I STILL don't have the house on-line ready to sell, sell, sell. No, I STILL don't have my paint colors picked out for the new house (a.k.a. The Compound). I could go on and on, but frankly I would end up embarrassed at all of the "No, I STILL don't's."

However, I HAVE witnessed Caleb draw the most marvelous pictures and try and try and try (and just about perfect) writing his name. I HAVE swelled with pride every morning, night, and sometimes in between as my boys hug and kiss one another like they've been apart for days. I HAVE enjoyed morning coffee and muffins with my Aunties. I HAVE blown bubbles and watched as Connor chases them down calling, "Bo-boos! Bo-boos!" I HAVE watched with ridiculous amounts of pride as my 2 children were THE ONLY 2 who listened and enjoyed the story at the library during story time. I could go on and on, but frankly I would probably bore you to death with all of the "I HAVE'S."

And here we are today - preparing for VACATION!!! Caleb is beyond over-the-moon excited as he knows he will be in the presence of Shamu tomorrow. He's already talking about how he's going to feed the dolphins, let the water bucket dump water on his head, ride the water slides, build sand castles, etc. We are all so excited - like it's 4 kids ready for vacation rather than a mommy, a daddy, and their children. But, isn't that how it should be?! I hope so... 'cause it is!

Now then - if you don't want to be bored outta your gourd with vacation pictures - stay away for a while! Because I'm sure I'll make you ill with slide after slide of my babies (and their parents) loving life!

Here are some selected scenes from this month so far...

<--- ARRRRR, Matey!!! Caleb was enjoying dress-up time and sailing the seas in his pirate ship.

<--- Chef Bon-Bon eating breakfast and getting into brother's chef outfit. He put it on, looked at me, and said, "CHEESE!" Gee... get you pic taken much?

<--- Caleb singing "You Are My Sunshine" during the Tea Party @ his school.

<--- Mom & Me on our annual Day Before Mother's Day trip to Fredericksburg.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I'm Soooo Behind!!!

In everything, it seems, lately. I can't get this done; I can't get that done... but know one thing - what I AM doing is enjoying my boys to the fullest extent. I have so much to do and worry about, yet here I sit... in my porch swing on a MARVELOUS Spring/Summer morning in West Texas... I hear birds chirping, wind rustling the leaves, and Caleb - dear Caleb - belting out, "OH I JUST CAN'T WAIT TO BE KIIIIING!" as he and Connor get crunchy in the sand table. (What an AWESOME $15 that has been!!) Here's a pic of the fun they had on Earth Day playing in the sand:

This is just a glorious time of year - and our little Peacock family is enjoying it as much as possible! Bill and Caleb play football every evening in the back yard. Connor climbs to the top of the playhouse like a pro (and gives me heart failure while doing so)! Sometimes we go for walks - sometimes all the way up to the "new house." Sometimes, we go for a picnic. Flying kites or playing at the park are also on the menu some nights. I just never in my wildest imagination dreamed life would be like this. It's so much better than I ever thought it would be!! Here are a few pics from our picnic night at the lake:

All the while, we are working on selling our house while the new one is getting close to completion. We are growing frustrated and worried, and we are continuing to try to trust that God will take care of it all in His time. It's scary at this point, but all we can do is have faith. In the mean time, we will accept any prayers you have for us!! :o) The kids are working so hard to get well and stay well. We're so ready for them to put this season of sickness behind us. We've had some scary times with illness this year. I'm ready for that to be a part of our past, as well. I hope to keep up a little better and fill this blog with happy memories of my little family that overwhelms me with blessings every single day.