Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Birthday, Connor-Bonnor!

It's official.

My baby is two.

While I'm sad that my baby is two, I'm elated at the fun we had celebrating his becoming the "big boy" that he is! We had a wonderful time at his froggy birthday party! I've told so many that it was the most relaxed, laid back, enjoyable birthday party I've ever given!!!

The weather couldn't have been more perfect on the afternoon of November 1st, 2008. We set up the deck with tables and chairs and waited for the fun to happen. Pizza showed up, and then guests started arriving shortly after. Granny, Pa Pa, and Nanny were the first to arrive with more than 2 dozen balloons in tow. Connor was in awe at all of the "boons!"

The first (and dare I say BEST) gift of Connor's birthday was some one-on-one time with Nanny - my grandmother. They were lost in conversation when I took full advantage of the zoom lens to capture their special time together.

The froggy cake was uber cute! It was made by Connor's Nana - a tradition, basically, that started with Caleb's 2nd birthday. She's made all of the birthday cakes since. Thanks, Nana!

Connor loved the cake - thought it was cute! He'd even point and giggle at it. However, once the cutting of the cake began, he was ready to dig in and had had enough with the photo ops. At this point, he was just looking at me like, "Can I eat cake already, Mommy?"

In between eating pizza and cake, the kiddos just ran and played - enjoying time spent on the "trampotine" and the play set. The back yard was filled with the sounds of happy giggles. And, in the middle of it all, was my smiling 2 year old. It was so much fun to see him enjoying his big day. My heart was filled with joy for him.

Opening gifts was fun, too. He loved yanking the tissue out of the bags to see what treasures he could find. The funniest thing was after he opened the jeans from Nanny, he would NOT put them down for anything! I tried to take them so that he could open another gift only to get, "No! Jeans! My jeans!" And he would go on with a one-handed opening technique that seemed to work rather well for him!

*sigh* What a magical day.

I love my new 2 year old.


AprilMay said...

Happy Birthday sweet boy! Those kinds of parties are the best, and the picture of him with Nana is just precious! You could win a contest with that one!!

Tina said...

What great pics of a very special little boy. Happy belated B-Day. I find B-Days so bittersweet. my Trio just turned one and it made me cry......why do they have to grow up so fast.